Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Da Vinci Code Concern...

With permission granted to me, I will submit a short document by Dr. Paul Maier and his concerns with this film. Dr. Paul Maier is a professor of ancient history at Western Michigan University. He graduated from Harvard and Concordia Seminary before receiving his PhD "summa cum laude" at the University of Basel - the first American ever to do so. He is also a best-selling author of both fiction and non-fiction, including "A Skeleton in God's Closet." You can also find more interviews with other professionals, including Dr. Maier, at our other location:

Here is Dr. Maier.


An Outline by Paul L. Maier

Society has a deplorable double standard: “It’s not politically correct to criticize anyone else’s religion – unless it’s Christianity!” The media are playing “The Jesus Game” as a result, offering us caricatures instead of Christ, and none are worse than Dan Brown’s in The Da Vinci Code.

A. A Literary Critique: The novel is engaging, a page-turner with rapid-fire action, but it’s hardly “pure genius,” as claimed on the book flap: the characters are thin, too many plot puzzles finally get tedious, errors stud its pages, and the ending is a huge let-down. Why, then, did it explode in sales? Controversy!

B. Attacks on Christ and Christianity: Halfway through the novel, its pages are littered with distortions, errors, exaggerations, misinformation, and outright falsehoods. Brown’s method is to offer an attractive pill coated with 20% truth to suggest credibility, but disguising the 80% of falsehood inside.. A few examples:

The Priory of Sion, the main premise of the novel, is a total hoax.

“Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false.”

“The New Testament is fake testimony.”

Constantine, the first Christian emperor, was really a lifelong pagan..

Early Christians thought Jesus was merely a man, but the Council of Nicaea
turned him into a God, though “only by a close vote.” (314 to 2!!)

Out of 80 gospels, the fourth-century church selected four, and not
necessarily the best. (In fact, only about 20 false “gospels” existed.)

The Gnostic gospels were more favorable to women than the canonicals.

The Gnostic gospels preserve a truer version of who Jesus was.

Jesus married Mary Magdalene, and they had a daughter named Sarah.

Jesus appointed Mary Magdalene to lead the church.

Mary Magdalene was the Holy Grail.

Leonardo painted Mary Magdalene, not John, to Jesus’ right in "The
Last Supper." (So where, then, is the missing John?)

False Freudian explanations for Medieval cathedrals.

God had a divine consort named Shekinah, and ritual sex took place in the Jerusalem temple!

YHWH, the ineffable name for God, derived from Jehovah (!!)

The Bible evolved through various recopyings. (Just the opposite, in fact.)

The Vatican tried to suppress the Gnostic gospels and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

And many more! Each of the above falsehoods is so easily refuted – the Gnostic gospels in particular, which are late, derivative, and packed with absurdities.

C. “Chill out: it’s FICTION, isn’t it?” This common objection breaks down, for two reasons:

1) Brown claims that his material 'is basically factual,' as witness the first page of his novel, as well as his repeated claims in media appearances: “Were I to rewrite the novel as history, I wouldn’t change a word.”

2) All novels have two action dimensions: the 'foreground,' in which fictional players act out their roles, and a 'background' or setting, which, for credibility, is always non-fiction. Obviously, novelists can do whatever they wish with the foreground, but they offer an authentic background. Brown has fictionalized the foreground – nothing amiss there – 'but he has also falsified the background,' and many readers don’t know this. (“Hitler wins,” if Brown wrote a WW. II novel.)

D. The Negative Results: When fiction becomes “fact,” truth suffers. Readers get a totally false view of the historical past, disinformation. “If it’s in print, it must be true,” people wrongly assume: 1/3 of Canadian readers assumed that "The Da Vinci Code" was totally factual! Seekers, who might have accepted Christianity, are now dismissing it. Even some Christians, who ought to know better, are not well enough grounded in their faith (or even in history), and therefore that faith is shaken. After reading the book, some have totally lost their faith, and some have even died in despair as a result.

E. Who is Responsible? Not merely Dan Brown and radical sensationalist authors like him who distort the truth (James Frey, "A Million Little Pieces"), but the publishing industry itself, which seems to have sold its soul to the corporate bottom line and no longer seems to care about the truth.

F. The Positive Results: Paradoxically, the Da Vinci phenomenon can be a good opportunity for Christian witness, since people are now talking again about Jesus, the Bible, and the church as never before.

For further information, please see Hank Hanegraaff and Paul L. Maier’s book, "The Da Vinci Code – Fact or Fiction?" (Tyndale House, 2004), or


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Wow!! I didn't think It had that kind of affect. Well my faith is still strong.

I think that if it were true that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had a daughter,(theres no fact disputing or Proving, If there is let me know)

It doesnt matter

What matters are the message in the gospels Of Jesus All these things that keep coming up are DISTRACTIONS to divert us from the truth.

Jesus's Message is whats important!!

I think we all get cuaght up in the history and the people involved, when in reality we should pay attention what jesus is saying.

Just my take ...

you can comment me back on my blog

At 5:44 AM, Blogger Tom King said...


Thanks for your "take on it." I also wanted to thank you for getting involved (your blog). I very much appreciate the comment toward resourcing information displayed. Most people "shoot from the hip" and do not provide adequate resources for their 'thoughts.' Unfortunately, with over 6,000 Christian denominations and counting, not everyone is correct! Being able to check up on people's thoughts helps one to discern where they are coming from. God bless your efforts.

Concerning Mary. Two Scriptures:

1. From the "suffering servant" in (NIV) Isaiah 53:8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendants? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken.

2. And from Paul's discussion of apostles traveling with wives. He uses other apostles as the key to allowing the practice in ESV 1 Corinthians 9:5 Do we not have the right to take along a believing wife, as do the other apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas?

If Jesus had a wife (and there is absolutely no information that this ever took place), Paul certainly would have used Jesus as the key person in defending that practice. But he didn't, he chose "other apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas", which tells me that Jesus didn't have a wife. This also explains why people were wondering if that was a correct practice. No one would ask if they saw Jesus doing it. But since he didn't, they wondered about it's worthiness.

I am glad to hear your faith still remaining strong. Unfortunately, not all are "there" at the moment. There are two studies posted on the blog

that speak to this issue (find them on the "Da Vinci Responses" links). One is done by George Barna, who states that approximately 2 million Christians are believing in Dan Brown's supposed theory (which undermines Jesus' death, resurrection and deity).

The other study is from Opinion Research Business Polls and states that 2/3 of all those overseas have taken Dan Brown's theory to heart. As someone has said lately, "Everyone loves a conspiracy." And we know that unbelievers don't need much help to get in their way of believing the truth. Many want it not to be true. We have to do our best in eliminating those ideas in their heads in order to give the gospel a chance on their heart.

I, personally, had spoken to a Christian woman (72 yrs. old) last year who was in tears over the whole issue. She only needed some help understanding why there's no bearing to what Dan Brown is stating in his theory. But that doesn't undermine the importance and need of our short conversation.

And that brings me to my three concerns (not problems, but concerns) with your view on this issue.

1. Some Christians do not know how to respond and the very ideas that Dan Brown, if unidentified and rebutted, could eventually bring question and concern to the heart of someone. The "once saved, always saved" theory is not Scriptural, so we continue to battle and encourage each other.

2. The message of Jesus is not grounded without history! We cannot separate Jesus from his existence on earth any more than we can separate you from your birth. Without that birth, there is no Jonathan (likewise, me too). Take that history away, and we live by "blind faith," which may be what God calls us to in certain times or situations, but he certainly has given us much reasoning over the last 6,000 years through the apostolic witness and 2,000 years of saints defending the faith.

Which leads me to the third, and most important point:

3. Dan Brown's theory sets up a problem for the unbeliever. Just as believing in evolution (if you understand the Genesis account correctly...see for help) undermines God's Word from the very beginning, so does Dan Brown's theory undermine the whole reason for the hope we share. He takes away the resurrection, Jesus' deity, and falsifies many things that support the true faith. We may be able to exist in our faith because it has been built up over the years (although, that CAN also falter), but a reasonable person outside of the faith, whom God loves and calls to faith, if not provided reasonable answers to defend our faithful position, will only look at us like we are senseless. So, my biggest concern lies in the evangelism of unbelievers, which we know is at the heart of God.

There are some excellent resources at

Please utilize them at your convenience to speak the truth in love to many that have been taken by this renewed conspiracy theory.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Hello Tom, or Mr. King Whichever you prefer,

I wanted to take the oppertunity to comment on your comment to my comment ! lol

First, thanks Im excited to see I got a response, I look forward to more conversing.

Second Thank you for giving me information on the subjectat hand,
I jumped the gun, but I was misinformed or lack there of information.

I didn't realize the full spectrum of this and its effects.

I agree on your points they are valid. People who have weak faith and no Knowledge of the facts would buy into this, 6 months ago I would bought into it, ha!

Its an Insult That Dan Brown claims these as fact!

I'm afraid there will be more distractions like this..

I would like you to check this site out I stumble on it yesterday

something to the effect of Bibles that are not King James versions are incorrectly translated and its a plot by the devil to deystroy the word of god!

Get back to me on this be interested to see what you think maybe we can debunk this as well!

Your Brother

10:04 AM

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Sorry tom still trying to navigate the blogs, If I comment you on your blog and you answer on your blog does it come to my blog?

Because i think i answered you Three times sorry.

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Tom King said...

That's alright...I saw it on the other blog I commented there. I don't think you will get it on your blog.


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