Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Righteous Anger?

What is "righteous anger?" Can such a thing even exist with us?

We just talked about Jesus anger (which must have been righteous, since he was without sin) regarding the moneychangers in the Temple. He was throwing tables and making a sound point because of the zeal He had for His Father's house.

I'm not exactly sure if I (as a sinful person) can understand what righteous anger really is, but if I could, a few days ago was it. You see, I went in to the public school to ask a simple question because of a real spiritual problem...and what did I get? Not help, not answers...but the run-around. Of course, the last person to be concerned for was the only one who needed all our help...the proclaimed atheist 8th grader (that's the first year of high school up here)! Do you think people were concerned about who this person was and how she could be eternally persuaded to change her mind? NO! Just defensive rebuttals as to why "this institution isn't responsible for that" or "I think you'll find that we are very open around here" or "certainly she didn't learn that here?" "Are you saying that she learned that here?!"

I'm not exactly sure where she learned it...that's WHY I'm here (I said as kindly as I could). The whole point was missed. I know no one wants the ACLU around, and certainly no one wants to feel as though they are contributing to someone's eternal existence in hell.

I guess I see a little more closely today to what Jesus saw back then. People who were more worried about making a buck than doing the right thing. That's what the moneychangers were really guilty of...cheating the people in their 'need' for sacrifices (especially those who were traveling from distant places). And that's what I saw a few days ago, too. Someone that is too worried about his job and not worried enough about the real important things in life: the eternal ramifications that the teaching in his building is having on his students.

I will say that the man did offer to have a meeting with the head of the science department, but he required my pastor to be there...and he is just too busy to add something new. But that isn't required anyway. As a concerned parent in this area, he is required to answer my questions...but "we" have "dropped it" (my pastor is very busy).

I continue to pray for the children, who are like sheep without a shepherd (as Jesus put it when he had compassion on them (Matt. 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 20:34; Mark 1:41; 6:34; 8:2; he has compassion on us like the Father in Luke 15:20). I pray that doors will be open so that they will be able to hear and understand the Truth.

As the teacher once said in Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief."


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