Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Today's Lion's den

I have engaged in meetings with the principals and teachers of the public schools in our area concerning the student who stated she was an atheist (because of evolution teaching and teaching regarding dinosaurs). My inquiry was met with a little defensiveness at the high school, but I think the gentleman understands my concerns and my wishes to further investigate. Hopefully, I will be granted permission to speak with the science teachers and inquire about how evolution is taught in the schools (whether dogmatically as fact or as theory). This will help me understand what this girl is relying upon when she proclaims that God doesn't exist and how I can help her. Pray for the many teens who are in this position (many of whom have little or no help from their parents or spiritual leaders regarding this teaching).

I have also found that many of the "pastors" in this area (as I have spoken with) are not conclusive regarding Genesis 1-11. In fact, many state that it doesn't matter what you believe...whether literal or long as Christ and his resurrection are upheld. The problem is that when these kids realize that certain Scripture is "undercut", where do you stop? You cannot stop. This undercutting of the authority of Scripture is very important and I am finding that many clergy do not share in God's Truth regarding His Holy, innerant, inspired Word. Too bad, but allowing great opportunity for us to proclaim God's Truth to many people.


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