Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Opportunities and burdens

What's your outlook on life? I know how mine can get all too frequently. As I look around, wishing I had the life that was being displayed before me on the T.V. while I am watching a baseball game. Or maybe if I just had this thing or that, my life would be the way I 'envisioned' it. Or ______________________. (you fill in the blank)

What is our outlook on life? Is God the creator and sustainer of all things? Is he also the giver of all good things? If so, are we content with what he has chosen to give us (monetarily, giftedness, etc.)? If not, on what basis do we stand to confront our displeasure to the Creator of the universe?

I know that I can begin to feel as though life is burdensome to me. But when I take a moment to step back and see things as God sees them (I'll get to this later), I begin to see "life's little occurences" as opportunities instead of burdens. Think about it. That troubled student, who daily seems to push the lines in class, irritating you and the others (I used to be a jr. high and high school teacher), what is he looking for? Why is he "pushing"? Or that child that just won't "walk the line" at home, or even in public! Why won't he listen...can he even listen!? What is going on here? What opportunity is God placing before you? This student, this child, they are not just looking for attention, but love. We all know that love comes in many forms, for it is certainly not loving for me to let my 2 year old touch a hot stove out of curiousity. Love does not just affirm everything, but disciplines also.

Maybe you can relate:

A mother or father, tired, effected by the rigors of the day, struggling to energize for the day ahead, hears, at 1:30 a.m., tormented cries from the next room. What is the reaction? Is this a burden "we should not have to bear", or an opportunity, to once more, show our unconditional love to a hurting and confused soul?

A teenaged young man, struggling to find his place in life, is assisted home by the police early in the morning. Do the parents throw their hands up and "wash" their lives of him, or do they discipline, continue to strategize and show unconditional love to a confused and hurting soul?

A man, frustrated by the employees that just won't "see the light" on certain terms. Do we fire and cut loose, or continue to meet, understanding each other's position, and work out a strategic plan for wholeness to everyone in the company?

The "experienced" woman, after many years taking its toll on her body, looks around at all that she CANNOT do any longer. Does she despise life and all that it offers, or creatively seek out what God is now placing before her, the tasks she can complete and the wisdom she may pass on?

God, fortunately, sees opportunities in us. Why else would the all-powerful, all-knowing Creator of the universe have created so much pain for himself!? Think about it, from the beginning, God has given us everything, only to have us turn our back on him, not just once, but time after time after time again. And not only that, but then as we live, we continually wonder "why" and don't trust his ways. We forget the opportunity to learn, experience and grow, instead focusing on our wish to stay right where we are, in comfort and style!

But God sees opportunities! He searches us out and works (overtime) to redeem his lost creation, only to work some more when we turn from him again. He continually sees us as opportunities of his future delight, even in the midst of our painful struggle against him. What a testament to the unconditional love he has for his creation.

And this is how God works in all things, to redeem them and bring them to himself, scarred by life and all. He is working to redeem all people (and he will - see Rev. 7:9 - I think heaven will be quite eclectic, yet weave with perfection) in their various cultural differences and all (minus any moral contradictions), music, all genres, movies, sports...if you can think of it and people are involved in it, God is working to redeem it, as long as its premise does not directly contradict His Truth, the Word. (for more on redeeming, see Rom. 3:24; 1 Cor. 1:30; Eph. 1:7,14; Col. 1:14; Heb. 9:12; Job 19:25; Exo. 21:30; Num. 18:15; the story of Ruth and Boaz; Psa. 44:26, 49:15, 119:134, 130:8; Luke 24:21; Gal. 4:5; Titus 2:14)

Oh, if we could only have eyes like our Heavenly Father, who sees opportunities to redeem and love people enough, taking time and building effort to bring them into his kingdom, the opportunities of his future delight. Or, simply put, as Boz (my children's new DVD friend) would say, "When life gives you a lemon...make lemonade!"

God bless your mind and heart, feet, hands and mouth, as you also see and act toward opportunities of God's future delight.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Tom as always I enjoy your reading your blogs,
I think It is easier to be a sinner and a non believer than it is to be faithful, its almost the way to fit in nowadays to be a nonbelevier.

Its much Harder to change the heart than to change the mind.

Maybe some people see being faithful to god is a burden to them?

I think if we live a contempt life of what god gives us we will recieve more.
Live a life for god give to the kingdome to get the kingdome.

People need to see that some burdens are oppertunities.

And some oppertunities are burdens.

But any thing with god is oppertunity!

peace be with you

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Tom King said...

It may be easier, and yet at times some people come to the end of their rope...maybe then, they will put their faith in God. It certainly is easier to be a nonbeliever. That is what we are good at "producing," whether in school or watching t.v., there is very little that points correctly to God. As the NT says, those are the anti-christ(s) influence around us, which is why we must take everything to Scripture. Be Berean (Act 17:11)!

I agree, being faithful to God is burdensome without God's Spirit living inside of us. Even Paul in Romans 7 spoke of the struggles he had in the flesh, his spirit wanting to follow God's will, but his weak flesh not wanting to. "When I want to do good, evil is right there with me." (Rom 7:21)

It's a constant fight, a life of repentance and prayer, that God's Spirit would have his way with us. Difficult, but no more than the saints who have gone before. I pray God keeps us faithful to the opportunities he gives us. May God give us the strength.


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