Saturday, February 23, 2008

Forgiveness or Reconciliation

Some may think these two concepts are one in the same, but Scripture doesn't seem to bear that out. Surely, there are pieces that agree, but to forgive, does not necessarily mean 'to forget' [unless you are the Creator of the universe]. No, forgive doesn't necessarily mean that we continue to be "stepped on," "plowed over," or abused 'for the sake of Christ,' but rather that we allow God to be the Judge and to make restitution for the wrong! We do not take things into our own hands, but allow God to judge those things [2 Cor. 5.10; 1 Peter 4.17; Prov. 24.12; 1 Cor. 3.15; Rom 14.12; Heb. 9.27; 1 Peter 4.5-6; Rom. 2.5, 16]. God will take care of these things, not us.

At the same time, reconciliation is what we are called to in regards to our brothers and sisters in Christ, even for those outside of the church [although the final outcome is unsure for those who do not confess Jesus as Lord]. In 2 Corinthians 5, we are given the 'ministry of reconciliation' which means to be the healer of relationship between each other as well as God and man. What an awesome responsibility. What an amazing need for healing and help, and what an amazing task God has given to fallible humans, although not without the aid and direction of His Holy Spirit [Help us, Lord!].

With regard to this idea and topic, I point you toward a slice of teaching that may help us in this matter, as it was taught and given at a Family Life conference recently.

May God bless you as you consider how you are being called, individually, by God to not only forgive, but reconcile unsaved people to God for their salvation!


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