Friday, July 28, 2006


From one delay in O'hare to another a week later. It seems that delays are always around the corner. Or, at least, in my postmodern, gotta-have-it-now, immediate satisfaction, "drive thru" world I have become accustomed living in tells me.

I am working on a few posts that will speak to our current-day worldview, and how history shows we got there. Breaking it down is taking some time, so thanks for your patience...but don't wait for a great burger, hit the drive thru!


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Good to see your back Tom

I have been a busy bee my self put some stuff together check this out

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Tom King said...

I can try to find it, but the site you gave did not come up. Do I have any wrong info?


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